NIS 2: More than just a directive.

Cyber and information security for companies that are up to the challenges of the future.

Does your company have to implement the NIS 2 requirements?

In an increasingly digitalized world, companies are exposed to a constant risk of cyber threats. The NIS 2 directive sets out mandatory security requirements for network and information systems to strengthen resilience to cyber attacks. Are you ready?

With our NIS 2 consulting, we support your company in understanding and implementing the requirements of the directive. We help you to minimize risks and improve your ability to respond to security incidents. Rely on our expertise to ensure compliance and protect your company from the consequences of cyberattacks.


Experienced, practicable, trust-building

Well-founded expertise

The NIS 2 Directive sets out comprehensive requirements in the areas of governance & awareness, risk management and incident reporting obligations. Based on our in-depth expertise and many years of experience in supporting companies with the implementation of the NIS 1 Directive, we are very familiar with the development and the compliance landscape. We know exactly what NIS 1 required and can accurately assess what additional measures will be required by NIS 2. With this in-depth knowledge, we can help you understand the complex requirements of the NIS 2 directive and develop effective solutions to secure your networks and information systems.

practicable approach

Every company has specific security requirements and challenges. We create customised solutions that are tailored to your individual needs, ensuring compliance with NIS 2 requirements. Our approach takes into account your unique circumstances to ensure your information systems are optimally secured.

Promoting trust & competitiveness

Compliance with the NIS 2 directive is not only a legal obligation, but also an opportunity to strengthen your company and gain a competitive advantage. Together, we will ensure that your company fulfils the requirements of the directive and thus strengthens the trust of your customers and partners.


The first steps towards NIS 2 compliance

The implementation of the NIS 2 directive poses considerable challenges for many companies. Our consulting services offer you a structured and efficient process to successfully meet the requirements of the NIS 2 Directive and optimise your IT security measures.


Needs analysis

In an initial meeting, we clarify your specific needs and requirements in connection with the NIS 2 directive. Together we will identify the areas that are relevant for your organisation.


Inventory and risk analysis

We carry out a comprehensive inventory of your existing IT infrastructure and security measures. In doing so, we analyse potential risks and vulnerabilities that need to be remedied as part of the NIS 2 directive.


Development of an action plan

We draw up a detailed action plan based on the inventory. This plan includes all the necessary steps to fulfil the requirements of the NIS 2 directive, including the implementation of security controls and protocols.


Implementation of the measures

We support you in the practical implementation of the steps defined in the action plan. This can include the introduction of new security solutions, training your employees and adapting existing processes.


Monitoring and verification

After implementation, we continuously monitor the effectiveness of the measures taken and carry out regular reviews to ensure that your organisation continues to meet the requirements of the NIS 2 directive.

Our services

On the way to NIS 2 compliance

ISMS strategy development

We advise you on the development and implementation of a customised ISMS strategy that is tailored to the specific business objectives and risk profiles of your company.

Risk analysis and management

Together, we identify weaknesses in and threats to your information security. We help you to establish a practicable risk management system and integrate it into your ISMS in a certifiable manner.

Needs analysis

Together we identify the affected areas and specific requirements of your organisation and compare your current security level with the requirements of the NIS 2 directive.

Implementation assistance

We support you in the implementation of the measures, including the selection and configuration of supporting software, the training of employees and the establishment of security processes.

Preparation for certifications

We support you in preparing for ISO 27001 certification, including internal audits and the resolution of audit findings.

Network and system monitoring

We check the security of your systems with vulnerability scans and penetration tests and set up a monitoring system to continuously monitor your IT infrastructure.

Compliance consulting

We support you in complying with relevant information security standards and regulations such as ISO/IEC 27001, GDPR (DSGVO), BSI basic protection and other relevant compliance requirements such as the NIS 2 directive.

Business continuity management

We ensure your business continuity by identifying critical processes, analysing risks and developing emergency plans. An integrated monitoring system ensures that your BCM remains effective and up-to-date at all times.

Frequently asked questions about NIS 2

The NIS 2 Directive may seem complex and its national implementation is often associated with many uncertainties. Here we clarify the most important questions.

The NIS 2 Directive (Network and Information Security Directive) is European legislation aimed at strengthening the cyber and information security and resilience of network and information systems in the EU. It expands and deepens the original NIS 1 Directive.

The NIS 2 Directive applies to companies with 50 or more employees and a turnover of EUR 10 million in 18 defined sectors.

Membership of the ‘Essential Entities’ or ‘Important Entities’ is based on the size of the company and the sector and determines the scope of state supervision and possible sanctions.

Exemptions can exclude or include companies from the NIS 2 Directive, regardless of their size and turnover. The ‘size-cap’ approach allows for differentiated regulation based on company size and risk.

We would be happy to discuss with you whether you are affected and how you can become compliant.

Companies must fulfil the following security requirements, among others:

  • Risk management: Regular assessment and treatment of security risks in information systems.
  • Reporting of security incidents: Obligation to report serious security incidents within 24 hours.
  • Incident response: Management of security incidents
  • Protective measures: Implementation of suitable technical and organisational measures to defend against cyber threats: Vulnerability management, cryptography, encryption, multi-factor authentication, access control, secure (emergency) communication, etc.
  • BCM: maintenance and recovery, crisis and backup management, supply chain security
  • Training and awareness: Regular employee training on cyber security.

Companies that do not fulfil the requirements of NIS 2 can face significant penalties and sanctions. This can include fines, official orders to implement measures and, in the worst case, the temporary closure of the business.

Your security is just a click away

Do you have any questions that have not been answered here, or would you like a personal consultation? We look forward to helping you.

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Your personal expert for our NIS 2 advice

Holger Berens


Start the transformation of your cyber and information security with Concepture and prepare yourself optimally for the requirements of NIS 2. Contact us to find out how we can strengthen your cyber and information security while promoting compliance and business success.

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